Apiday’s fully compliant EU Taxonomy module takes the pain and guesswork away - from eligibility screening and aligning to outputting the required RTS reporting. Whether you are an investor or a company, Apiday’s EU Taxonomy module delivers an end to end solution for you.
Detailed, guided workflows so you always know what to do next, with easy-to-understand questions to assess your activities’ Substantial Contribution and Do No Significant Harm as well as company Minimum Safeguards
All major EU regulation requires associated taxonomy reporting. With Apiday, no need to enter twice - re-use your data instantly across the platform
Turnover, capex, opex. Check. Eligibility and Alignment. Check. Apiday outputs reports for companies and investors ready for download in fully compliant format as mandated by the EU
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The EU Taxonomy is a robust framework that sets clear criteria for determining whether an economic activity is environmentally sustainable. It provides a common language for identifying and labeling investments and projects that contribute to key environmental objectives, such as climate change mitigation and adaptation, sustainable use of water and marine resources, transition to a circular economy, pollution prevention, and biodiversity conservation.
Just say hello! Reach out via chat or email and our team will help you navigate the intricacies of the EU Taxonomy